Your house has probably seen its share of handyman fixes over the years. You may have spent your own time making small repairs here and there so that your home remained functional. But, now you want to sell and you fear code violations may wreck your plans. Selling a house with code violations is possible. It’s important to consider the options available to you and also to become familiar with common code violations so you can correct the easy fixes.
Common Code Violations
If everything is functional in your home, code violations may not even enter your mind. Just because the plumbing or electrical system is working fine, doesn’t mean they are up to code. You’ll want to identify any code violation so you can make an informed decision on what your next step should be.
Improper Bathroom Venting
One of the biggest concerns of a DIY bathroom remodel has to do with venting. Air from the bathroom is required to be vented outside. But, many of these projects result in the air being vented into the attic. That’s a safety concern because the damp air can cause mold to grow and the moisture will cause the wood to rot. This can lead to major structural damages and is also a health hazard.
Insufficient Number of Bedroom Windows
If you’ve converted attic or basement space into a bedroom, there’s a good chance there is an inadequate number of windows to accommodate the space. Each bedroom in your home must have a window that serves as egress and must be large enough for an adult to fit through. If the bedroom has no such window, then technically it is not a bedroom and you can’t advertise it as such.
Non-Working or Misplaced Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms are something homeowners will often neglect. This is especially true when a smoke alarm chirps because of a low battery. You may have disabled the smoke alarm to quiet it only to forget about replacing the battery altogether. Or, maybe your smoke alarms aren’t in the right places. Building codes specify where smoke alarms must be placed within a home. If you have non-working or misplaced smoke alarms, you’re in violation of the building code.

Missing Deck Flashing
A deck adds beauty and functionality to a home. This is a DIY project that makes a homeowner proud. But, there is a detail that is often overlooked and could result in a code violation. That detail is the installation of deck flashing. Flashing is installed between the deck ledger board and the house and the ledger board must be firmly attached. This prevents the wood from rotting which will weaken your deck and possibly the structural integrity of your home.
Options for Selling a House With Code Violations
Building codes are put in place to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the public. Different jurisdictions have different rules regarding building codes so it is helpful to have some knowledge of such codes before selling a house with code violations.
Identify Easy Fixes
Small issues can spell a code violation. Maybe your smoke alarms aren’t working in every room or you have handrails without returns. These are easy problems to fix and won’t take up a lot of your time or money. It is best to fix small issues rather than worrying about code violations so that you can move forward with the sale of your home.
Sell Your Home Without Making Repairs
If you are selling a house with code violations that include major problems, such as plumbing or electrical violations, then you may want to consider taking a lower price for your home. You will need to disclose the violations to prospective buyers and you’re likely going to receive a lot less money than what your home is actually worth. Not only will you receive less money, but it may also take a while for your house to sell. Buyers don’t like to buy homes with problems that they will have to fix. So, if you choose this option, be prepared to let your house sit on the market for a while and then take a financial hit in the end.
Sell to a Cash Buyer
Selling a house with code violations can be difficult. Going the traditional route of selling your home can take a long time and you probably won’t get a good offer. If you do not have the time or money to get your house up to code, you may want to consider selling your house to a cash buyer. Request a cash offer from WeBuyHouse to quickly find out how much money you can receive for your home as-is. Choosing this route will take the guesswork and headache out of selling a house with code violations.
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